The Security Service is an important organ of the State 军情五处是国家的重要机构。
Every organ of state must apply the principle of efficient and simple administration. 国家机关必须实行精简的原则。
To exercise such other functions and powers as the highest organ of state power should exercise. 应当由最高国家权力机关行使的其他职权。
The unicameral, 386-member National Assembly is the highest organ of state authority and initiates and approves legislation sponsored by the prime minister. 国家政府的最高层组织机构是由386成员组成的国民大会(NationalAssembly)。它的创立和立法都是由总理主办的。
On the Historic Mementoes of CCP under the Supervision of the People s Congress; The ethnic minorities 'right to be represented in the highest organ of state power as well as in local organs of power at various levels has been continuously and specially guaranteed. 少数民族参加国家最高权力机关和地方各级权力机关的权利继续受到特殊保护。
As the main members in Gongfu, which was the highest organ of state administration, the official business played an important role. 汉代公府掾吏作为最高国家行政机关的基本成员,在国家政治生活中起着十分重要的作用,是皇帝和三公的重要参谋和助手。
These organs changed from the auxiliary body of the highest organ of state power to the independent organs. 这些机关经历了从最高国家权力机关的辅助机关到独立国家机关的变化。
This assembly should function as the supreme organ of state authority to decide on the policies for saving the nation, adopt a constitutional programme and elect the government. 这个大会的职权,应是国家的最高权力机关,由它决定救国方针,通过宪法大纲,并选举政府。
Refusing or impeding the inspection and supervision of the banking regulatory organ of the State Council; 拒绝或者阻碍国务院银行业监督管理机构检查监督的;
The Croatian Government is the supreme executive and administrative organ of state authority, and is responsible to the Assembly. 克罗地亚政府是国家政权的执行机关,对议会负责。
Deputies to the National People's Congress ( NPC) are members of the highest organ of state power in China and are elected in accordance with law. 全国人民代表大会代表是我国最高权力机构的成员,依法进行选举。
There has been no a set of united and complete library law made by the highest organ of state power since the founding of our People's Republic of China. 建国以来,我国尚未有一部由国家最高权力机关制定的统一的完整的图书馆法。
The central audit organ reform should be the guide of the state audit system reform. Local audit organs should follow it but not mode it completely. 国家审计体制改革应以中央审计机关改革为先导,地方审计机关跟进但不完全模仿。
The paper holds that the official organ of State Forestry Administration should be a high-level tribune for the national people and ordered development of forestry. 国家林业局的机关刊物,应当是围绕国家林业有序发展而向全国人民提供的高级论坛平台。
As an executive organ of the state power, local government is responsible for the transformation of high-tech achievements of universities, which will surely give much impetus to both local and national economic development. 地方政府作为国家权力机关的执行机关,对于高校科技成果向企业转化、推动地方经济乃至整个国家的经济发展负有重要责任。
On the one hand, government is the executive organ of the state power and it must be established on the basis of legitimacy, which means the basis of the government should be the psychological approval of the social members. 一方面,政府是国家权力的执行机关,它必须建立在合法性的基础上,即建立在社会成员对统治的心理认可和赞同的基础上。
In order that the constitutional functions of the highest organ of state power could be put into effect, the Soviet Union established different organs to do specific work in different time. 为了使最高国家权力机关的宪法监督职能得以落实,苏联在不同历史时期设立了不同机关做违宪审查的具体工作。
There are three kinds of constitution supervision models in the world, namely, supervision from parliament or from supreme organ of state power, supervision from common court and supervision from a special one. 在立法体例上,宪法监督制度有最高国家权力机关或立法机关监督制、司法机关监督制和专门机关监督制三种模式。
Under the guidance of Marxist theory on the relation between party and state, the dissertation primarily discusses the problem of how to deal with the relation between the Party and the organ of state power on the premise of adhering to the leadership of the Party. 本文主要以马克思主义党政关系理论为指导,对我国党和国家权力机关之间的关系进行了探索,主要探讨了如何在坚持党领导的前提下,正确处理党同国家权力机关的关系。
In the second part, the dissertation explains simply the development history of the relation between the Party and the organ of state power. 第二部分:文章简要论述了我国党和国家权力机关关系的历史发展过程。
The 1918 Soviet Russia constitution validated the highest organ of state power supervision system. 1918年苏俄宪法确认了最高国家权力机关监督制。
On the Proper Execution of the Supervisory Authority by the Organ of State Power 论国家权力机关行使监督权的界限
Clarifying disposition power of the organ of state power; 明确国家权力机关的处置权;
How should public organ of state power respond to this demand? 那么,公共权力机关应如何回应这一需求呢?
Legislation is the activity that organ of state power legislate or revise law according to specific procedure. 立法是国家权力机关按照一定程序制定或修订法律的活动。
Interpellation power is an important right of all levels of organ of state power given by the Chinese Constitution and law. It implies picketing and blame on the mistakes of the government agencies and their staff, which is a rigid monitoring methods with a bit of impeachment. 质询权是我国宪法和法律赋予各级国家权力机关的一项重要职权,暗含有对国家机关及其工作人员工作失误的纠察和责问,是一种刚性的带有一点弹劾性质的监督方法。
At the same time, rational administrative discretion standard needs perfect a control system, which contains an interior control from administrative organizations and an exterior control from organ of state power, judicial organ and public opinions. 同时,建立规范化的行政裁量基准离不开监督制度的完善,监督包括来自行政机关自身的内部监督和来自权力机关、司法机关和社会舆论的外部监督。
The constitutional supervision of China mainly refers to the supreme organ of authority and its permanent body for other state organs 'supervision. 我国的宪法监督主要指最高权力机关和它的常设机关对于其他国家机关的合宪监督。
Therefore, we must ensure that citizens have the right program, this also is to the administrative organ of the state is the inevitable requirement of program, and violation of procedure justice must bear legal responsibility. 因此,我们必须保证公民享有程序权利,这也是对国家行政机关的程序的必然要求,违反程序正义必须承担法律责任。